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Your request a quote has been sent to our team. We can’t wait to get in contact with you shortly, to talk about your electrical and solar needs. In the mean time please feel free to learn more about the benefits of installing Solar with Renew Energy Solutions!
What is a solar panel
Solar panels are comprised of an array of smaller electronic units called photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity.
We use the latest and most efficent solar panel technologies from companies like Canadian Solar, Risen Solar, Jinko.
What is an inverter
A solar inverter is one of the most important elements of the solar power system. It converts the variable direct current (DC) from the photovoltaic (PV) cells on the solar panel into alternating 240V current (AC). The AC current can then be used to in your home or business to operate your appliances or fed into the electricity grid.
We supply a large range of high quality inverters from Fronius, zeversolar, sungrow and enphase micro.
What are solar batteries
Adding a solar battery to your energy system gives you the power to store excess energy produced by your solar panels. This power is then available when there is no direct sunlight like at night time or on cloudy days.
With our systems you can choose reliable cost effective. batteries from enphase and LG chem
How often do I need to get my solar maintained or checked
Take advantage of one of our great solar power packages